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Cost of living support

Cost of Living Information and Support


We know that the cost of living for families is becoming more and more challenging. Increases in the cost of food, fuel, rent or mortgages, and bills can be overwhelming and impact on family life day to day. We can offer you support - a listening ear, sign posting to a range of services as well as practical advice and help.


Contact the school office to talk to Mrs Bone, our headteacher or Mrs Groth, our Inclusion lead or email the office directly and we will get in touch with you.


School support:

We wanted to share some of the things we are currently working on in school to ensure we do all we can to limit additional costs for your family. 


If you are not sure whether your child is eligible for free school meals, please come in and have a chat with us. Mrs Reeves or Mrs Groth will gladly support you with the application process. Further information can be found at:


Information for parents about access and benefits of claiming FSM can be found at:


If your child is eligible for free school meals, they’ll also qualify for the Food vouchers may also be available through the



As a school we have a wide selection of good quality, pre-loved uniform available to anyone who needs it which can be found in the uniform shed near the front gate. We also have links to the Salisbury Foodbank.


School Trips and Visits

Enriching the curriculum through trips and visits is an important part of our children’s education. Although we support families facing financial difficulties, unfortunately we cannot fund these activities for all. Friends of Winterslow School kindly donate money each year towards travel costs and we ask for voluntary contributions from parents. 


Birthday Books

Instead of bringing sweets to school on birthdays, children are encouraged to donate a book to their class library this book is resented in our Celebration worship. Books do not have to be new; if you are unable to provide a book, we have a bank of books your child can use to donate to their class.


World Book Day 

This year, children may wear their PJs to World Book Day to enjoy a day of bedtime stories.


Christmas Jumper Day

We will have a selection of spare jumpers children can borrow.



Local and national support


Community Directory


Contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Family Hub

Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB)

You don’t have to be a UK citizen to get support from your local CAB, you just need to be
a resident of the local area. The CAB can help you with:

  • Getting benefits or organising other financial support

  • Accessing support for essential costs (food, bills, rent)

Visit the website or contact our local branch to book an appointment. 


Council tax, benefits and financial support


Housing information and support


Mental Health support


Local Practical Help


Supporting businesses


Warm spaces


EntitledTo: benefit calculator to make sure families are getting the support they are entitled to


The Money Advice Service: Government website offering comprehensive guidance on all aspects of money, benefits, debt and investments.


Shelter: free support from expert housing advisers


NHS Low Income Scheme: If you have a low income, the NHS Low Income Scheme could help depending on your weekly income and necessary outgoings, plus any savings or investments you have at the time you apply


The home energy scheme: Energy and cost saving actions which could help reduce bills

Energy saving tips to save money- help for households

Energy costs and advice

British Gas and the Money Saving Expert



Check you’ve received all the government’s cost-of-living payments

The government’s Cost of living payments are available for those receiving certain benefits or tax credits. You don’t need to apply for these – if you’re eligible the money should go straight into your account.

If you think you’re due a payment but haven’t received one, report a missing payment to the government here.

