We are using a 'literacy first' approach, where we start each week with a new book to focus on. We are using exciting hooks to help the children to 'live' the text in an immersive way, which is more engaging for the children and leads to better writing, reading and vocabulary use. Plus, most importantly, it is fun!
The texts we choose are loosely based around a theme each term, for example animals, winter or super heroes.
Our curriculum is also child led, meaning we respond to and embrace the children's interests and ideas about what they would like to do. This leads us to impromptu party planning, trips to the postbox, sculpture making and all sorts of other exciting adventures!
Our Curriculum is also influenced by the new EYFS Foundation Stage (updated in 2021), and the local community in which we live. We refer regularly to our beautiful, familiar surroundings, and then compare these to places in the wider world, and likewise from the present to the past.
Most importantly, our curriculum uses a fun, child centred approach, which encourages enthusiasm, independence and lots of exploring, discovering and sparkling!