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Kingfishers – Year 3

Welcome to Kingfishers

Our learning for term 6

Welcome to Year 3 class page!


This term we aim to take advantage of the lovely weather with our swimming lessons on a Friday- please remember swim kit.


Our main enquiry focus is the Sustainable Development Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production. We will be looking at our we can help the environment by reducing food waste, what the village does to help with reducing, reusing and recycling and the affects of 'fast fashion'.  We look forward to being creative with our waste and also making our own tie dye t-shirts and upcycling old clothes. 

We are currently enjoying our literacy unit on the alternative version of The Three Little Pigs and asking ourselves, was the wolf portrayed in the wrong way? 

PE days are Tuesday in addition to swimming on Fridays. 


Parents: please make sure children have a sun hat and sun cream as there have been some very warm days so far. 


Mr Morgan


