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Birthday Books

Birthday Books


At Winterslow, we love to celebrate birthdays! We are always so excited to see you on (or near) your special day coming into school in your own clothes.


Instead of bringing sweets/treats into school, which as a healthy school we would like to minimise, we ask that pupils who wish to bring something in to share with their friends donate a Birthday Book instead! 


When you bring in a ‘Birthday Book’ we will place a lovely, personalised label inside the front cover of your book with your name, age and class and then present this book to you and your class during Superstar Worship. Your book can then be added to your class library for you, your friends and future classes to read and enjoy.


If you would like to share in this wonderful birthday book scheme, you can choose a book from our wish lists of age-appropriate books (see lists below) or alternatively you may wish to donate a copy of your own favourite age appropriate book.


We are very excited about our Birthday Books scheme and look forward to adding some birthday book sparkle to our libraries.




