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Robins – Reception

Welcome to Robins Class

Welcome to the Class of 2023!


The Robins had a fantastic morning yesterday visiting their new Skylarks classroom! It was lovely to see their excitement and enthusiasm for the next stage of their learning journey and we were so proud of everyone. Clare Taylor will teach Mondays and Tuesdays, and Sarah Evans will teach Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, with Heidi Parsons supporting in class all week. The children made peg labels for their new pegs, made a Skylark feather for a display and explored the inside and outside learning areas and equipment. We are so excited to be working with your children again in September!


This week we have been following the interests of some of the children and have been learning about dinosaurs. Children have played in the dinosaur museum and cafe role play area, excavated dinosaur bones in the sand tray, made craft dinosaurs and made imaginary dinosaur worlds in the small world, gravel pit and lego. We have been blown away by the writing this week, with children choosing to write in their play, doing the independent sparkle challenge and designing and describing their very own dinosaurs, including rainbow-a-saurus, backpack-a-saurus and Teddy Rex! In maths we have been learning about 2D shapes and talking about what we see and what we notice about the different shapes. We used the 2D shapes to make a dinosaur for our maths challenge.

Home learning



The Robins will be swimming every Wednesday!


Each week we choose a child to take home the story suitcase for the week and return it the following Monday. We hope you enjoy snuggling up with your child to read the story and share a hot chocolate!

Our books this term




Popcorn, Popcorn, sizzling in the pan.


Shake it up, shake it up,


Bam, Bam, Bam.


Popcorn, Popcorn, now it’s getting hot.


Shake it up, shake it up,


Pop, Pop, Pop.


We are mathematicians!

We have been using our subitising knowledge explore number bonds (pairs of numbers) that make 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Can you use objects to explore these number bonds at home? What do you see? Can you write the numerals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9?

Mrs Taylor teaches Robins on a Monday and Tuesday, and Mrs Evans teaches the class on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Waters is in Robins on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Mrs Hammond is in class on Wednesday afternoons, Thursdays and Fridays.


Every day in Robins class is a new, exciting adventure! Our children learn that they are part of a new, wonderful team, both inside the classroom, and in Winterslow school. By learning through play, we help our Robins to become independent, confident learners. They have some structured, adult-directed sessions, but we also let the children decide how they want to learn, with an emphasis on 'having a go.'




Hooks Into Books


Our Curriculum is a literacy based curriculum. We have a new, quality text each week, using an exciting hook to help the children to 'live' the story. This makes for a very engaging and exciting curriculum, which in turn motivates and encourages our Robins into mark making, writing and reading with enthusiasm.


Adventures that our Robins undertake, might include: finding an unusual object in the classroom; grabbing a magnifying glass and searching for clues; hunting for animals in the Plantation, or watching the adults put on a show. These are only a few of the many exciting activities your child will experience in Robins class!


Here are some useful websites to use with your child at home...
