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Skylarks – Year 1

Spring Term 2025

Welcome back after the Christmas break and we wish you all a very happy 2025! It has been wonderful to catch up with the children about what they've been up to and to get to know our 3 new Skylarks who have settled in very well. Thank you for all the cards, gifts and vouchers for Christmas - we were truly spoilt and appreciate it.


This term we will be learning about the UK and reading the book 'The Queen's Hat.' We will use this to inspire our writing, focusing on punctuation including question marks and exclamation marks, interesting word choices and using words to join sentences together. In Maths, we will be learning about teen numbers and then larger 2-digit numbers. In RE, we are learning about parables and will use our acting skills to perform them. In PSHE, we are learning about being safe and healthy including discussing sleep routines, personal safety and medicines. Mrs Noyce will be covering our PPA on some Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons this term.


PE takes place on Tuesdays and Fridays so children should come into school in their PE kit on those days.


Reading books are changed on Mondays and we would like reading books and logs in school every day as we listen to children read regularly. Please listen to your child read 5 times each week and record this in the reading log.


Every Friday a phonics home learning sheet will be sent home so children can practise what they have learned that week in phonics lessons. It will also be posted on this website under home learning - phonics.


We have a story suitcase in Skylarks that will be sent home with a different child each Monday. Please return it the following Monday so we can send it home with another Skylark.


Our class trip will take place on Wednesday 26th March 2025 and we will visit the Milestones Living History Museum in Basingstoke. Our day will focus on how transport and travel has changed over the years and Skylarks will be able to explore different vehicles.

This is how we sparkle!

Please click on and print the packs of flashcards below to support your child's phonics at home

Useful Links

Mrs Clare Taylor teaches Skylarks on Mondays and Tuesdays. Mrs Sarah Evans teaches Skylarks on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Heidi Parsons will be working with the Skylarks every morning.


