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Skylarks – Year 1

Autumn Term 2024

Welcome to Skylarks 2024-25! We have been delighted to welcome the Skylarks back to school this week and catch up on their news from the summer. They have enjoyed talking and playing with their friends and exploring their new classroom. Everyone has had a go at writing a sentence about their summer holiday and we are trying to remember to use a capital letter to begin a sentence, to put a full stop on the end and to sit our letters on the line with finger spaces between words. Go Skylarks! Reading books and logs have been given out and we would like you to listen to your child read 5 times each week. Please record this in the reading log. We have already been collecting gems for our amazing learning behaviour in class and would like to thank Mr Burdick (Evie's Dad) for the beautiful 3D slot jars that he created for each class. We all love them and are excited to fill them for our first gem treat!


PE will usually be on Tuesdays and Fridays so children should come into school in their PE kit on those days. However, the Tuesday PE sessions on 10th and 17th September will not take place so children should wear school uniform on those dates. This is because we have swimming lessons on Mondays 9th and 16th September. Please can children bring in their swimming kits on those days (we will be swimming between 10:30 - 12:00).


We have a story suitcase in Skylarks that will be sent home with a different child each Monday. Please return it the following Monday so we can send it home with another Skylark.

This is how we sparkle!


Mrs Clare Taylor will be teaching Skylarks on Mondays and Tuesdays. Mrs Sarah Evans will be teaching Skylarks on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Mrs Heidi Parsons will be working with the Skylarks every morning.



Phonics and Early Reading Information Powerpoint

Please click on and print the packs of flashcards below to support your child's phonics at home

Useful Links