The menu is changed after Easter and October half term every year and is nut free. The current meal price is £2.66 for Years 3 - 6. Children in Years R - 2 are entitled to a free school meal.
Payments can be made online using the online ParentPay system. All parents are issued with an account which enables them to pay for meals.
School lunches at Winterslow C OF E Primary School are provided Clever Chefs, please see welcome leaflet and menu below
All children in Key Stage 1 will be entitled to Universal Free School Meals from September 2014.
However, for some of those children, schools will also be able to claim Pupil Premium, which will help provide further support for those children. The criteria for eligibility is the same as, and comes from, what is the free school meal criteria from Key Stage 2 onwards.
This criteria for eligibility is where parents/guardians are in receipt of one or more of the following benefits: