Home Page

Wrens – Year 2

Welcome to Wrens Class

Welcome to Wrens Class page. We hope you have had a wonderful summer break and are feeling excited about the term ahead. We will be historians this term looking into how our school has changed over the years. Please look at the curriculum grid for more information about our exciting learning that will take place this term. 


P.E will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The first two Mondays of the term will be swimming days. 

As the weather is very changeable at the moment, please remember to send in hats and sunscreen. As the weather changes please ensure your child has a coat and jumper. 





Wrens class teacher is Mrs Monk and Mrs Peachey-Austing is Wrens Class Teaching Assistant.

We became bakers like Thomas Farriner from The Great Fire of London

Using map work in our local area

A great time at WSE taking part in 'Fundamentals'

Wrens has a great visit from Wiltshire Fire Service learning how to stay safe and what is on board a fire engine!


