There was once a farm, which had been in a family for generations. Eventually, the property was sold and a neighbour bought it. One day, the new owners were walking through a field when they noticed a strange rock sticking up out of the soil. After washing it, they took it to a jeweller where it was confirmed that the ‘old stone’ was, in fact, a large, uncut emerald - a priceless jewel!
The gemstone had been in the field for hundreds of years. The previous owners had overlooked it, because it looked like an ordinary rock.
When we ‘discover’ something, we are really finding something that already exists even though we were unaware of it. Something may look ordinary, but is in fact unique and special.
Who or what do we walk past and overlook?
What parts of ourselves (the treasure within us) could be uncovered if we delve further?
Where can we inspire others to seek out the best in themselves?